After careful consideration, we have made the decision to move all Arlington/Roe associates to a virtual work environment.
All associates are fully equipped to work from home, and we want to reassure you our service and commitment to helping you is our priority. Our leadership team will continue to meet daily to closely monitor guidance from the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), the World Health Organization (WHO) and other local health authorities.
New Business Submissions
Please continue to send new business submissions to your primary Arlington/Roe contact. If you aren’t sure who to contact, you can find a list of all of our associates here. When you click on the link, use the filters (pictured below) to sort by department or specialty.
Physical Mail
Additionally, because all associates will be working from home, we encourage you to send mail electronically using the following email addresses:
- for Farm and Personal Lines
- for all other departments
Arlington/Roe associates are eager to provide the level of service you expect. For a good portion of our staff, working remotely is nothing new, so there should not be any interruption in how we do business. We understand the challenges you are facing in your agencies with this event, so we encourage you to reach out to your Arlington/Roe contact(s) if there is any way we can provide additional, value-added service to you.
As a company and community, we share the responsibility to keep each other safe. We will continue to monitor the situation and keep you informed of any changes to normal business operations. As we have emphasized to our associates, please do everything necessary to keep yourselves safe and healthy during this time.
Thank you for your trust in Arlington/Roe. We wish you and your family health, safety and peace of mind.