He left the agency to work on the company and agency side with Hartford Insurance Co. as a western Kentucky marketing representative, then an independent agent with the Charles Moore […]

Jim Roe graduated from Indiana University and began working for his father full time.
Jim and Vickie Roe were married. Francis Roe and his son Jim began making plans to grow product and market penetration. They hired a commercial manager in 1973 to […]

Arlington Insurance Agency moved from the kitchen to Atkinson Square at 46th and Keystone Avenue in Indianapolis.

Francis took his wife Ruth and their five children in their new Ford automobile on their first family vacation to Lake Fontana, North Carolina.
Francis secured a contract with Western Fire and Casualty out of Ft. Scott, Kansas, which became American States and then Liberty, and he wrote about $40,000 in small commercial business. […]

Francis Roe formed Arlington Insurance Agency as a general agent for Foremost to provide mobile home insurance to independent insurance agents.
Norman Roe didn’t see much opportunity in bypassing the dealer to insure mobile homes, but he gave Francis Roe a contract, and Arlington Insurance Agency was formed on August 13, […]

Francis Roe began his insurance career as an underwriter trainee with Meridian Insurance Co., Indianapolis, Indiana.
From 1955 to 1964, Francis worked as a field underwriter for Meridian Insurance, State Auto Insurance and then again for Meridian Insurance. When calling on agents, Francis was often asked […]

After serving in World War II, Francis Roe took a job with Baker Shoes in Ft. Wayne, Indiana.
In 1952, he moved his family to Indianapolis to run the Baker Shoe store on Washington Street. Francis was the second oldest of seven children. Francis’ older brother, Norman, […]