Upcoming Events

Get to Know Arlington/Roe – Onboarding or Refresher

Virtual Event Virtual Event

You're Invited - Get to Know Arlington/Roe - Onboarding or Refresher On behalf of Arlington/Roe and the Francis Roe Center for Professional Growth, we would like to take this opportunity […]


Coffee Talk with the Roes

Virtual Event Virtual Event

The Francis Roe Center for Professional Growth presents Coffee Talk with the Roes The Francis Roe Center is happy to announce our featured session for April, Coffee Talk with the […]


Past Events

Francis Roe Center for Professional Growth 2024 Update

Listen to Chairman and CEO Jim Roe talk about how the Francis Roe Center for Professional Growth is doing and what plans are for the future.

Corporate News

Nonprofit Organizations & Special Events: The Keys to Saving Money and Protecting your Clients

This session provides an overview of product appetite, available coverages, and potential changes in the marketplace. USLI offers over 500 classes available for quotes on the nonprofit side! Some of these include Community Associations, Special Events, Charities, Arts and Culture, Business Associations, and Social Clubs. In this session, we will also review how easy it is to quote these products!

Commerial Binding

Writing the Full Life Cycle of Habitational

Whether a property is vacant, under construction or occupied, you have a market to go for all of your habitational needs. Learn about the property trends and coverages needed for each stage of a building’s life cycle.

Commerial Binding

Insuring Commercial Agribusiness Video

If you are new to Commercial Ag, or just want to learn more about what types of risks our Commercial Ag team can help you with, watch this Francis Roe Center for Professional Growth Video. Hear from our Commercial Ag broker on recent successes and his outlook on a future forecast. Music and images from Zapsplat and Pexels.

Commercial Brokerage

Personal Liability Solutions in Demand

Watch this 30-minute webinar to learn more about how Arlington/Roe and USLI can help you with your Personal Liability opportunities. The USLI Personal Lines team focused on Umbrella, CPL & Excess options, with a demo of the Instant Quote, IQ, process.*

*This video was recorded on 2/8/23. Guidelines can change at any time. 

Personal Lines

All About Aviation Video

If you’re new to aviation or want to learn more about what types of risks our aviation department can help you with, check out this panel video with members of our aviation team. Also, hear from our aviation practice leader on the state of the aviation market right now and what to expect next year.


Past Event: Health & Wellness Industry

Arlington/Roe and USLI hosted a webinar for you to learn more about the many opportunities in the health and wellness industry. USLI has great products for everything from a gym to local sports leagues and everything in between.

Commerial Binding
Healthcare & Human Services

Past Event: Nonprofit Opportunities

We were joined by USLI’s social service and sports advantage underwriters, who shared the opportunity, appetite and features for these products. We also highlighted several other nonprofit products and showed you how easy it is to obtain a quote for your nonprofit risks using the Instant Quote phone platform. The nonprofit sector is one of the fastest-growing in the country with over 2.5 million entities and the time is now to begin quoting!

Healthcare & Human Services

Past Event: American Modern HO Flex

The Homeowners Flex provides open peril coverage on dwellings and other structures with Replacement Cost loss settlement, Modified Functional Replacement Cost and ACV loss settlement options. The product will allow you to customize coverage (Flex) for your customers; even those who have age of home, claims and location concerns.

There’s a lot more to learn about Homeowners Flex, so download the materials from our webinar.

Personal Lines

Past Event: Writing Your Equine Risks

Watch the webinar to learn more about our equine appetite with one of our key partners, American Reliable.

Download the PowerPoint.

Download the Appetite Guide.

Download the Equine Coverage Enhancement Form.

Farm & Ranch