Why D&O Insurance is a Must for Nonprofits

two women and one girl in blue shirts serving good to four adults, three men and one woman under a tent outside

We wanted to take a quick moment to share why D&O insurance is such a big deal for nonprofits. You might not think of it as essential at first glance, but it’s a safety net many nonprofits can’t afford to go without.

Why Nonprofits Need D&O Coverage

Nonprofits aren’t just mission-driven—they’re also vulnerable to the same kind of legal headaches that for-profit businesses face. Here are a few reasons why D&O insurance matters for them:

  1. Claims Happen Frequently: Did you know more than half of the D&O claims between 2016 and 2021 involved nonprofits? Whether it’s issues with managing funds, employment disputes, or even just miscommunication, nonprofits are targets for lawsuits more often than you’d think.
  2. Board Member Risk: Nonprofit board members might be passionate about the mission, but they don’t always realize their legal responsibilities. Things like fiduciary duties or compliance slips can lead to big trouble.
  3. Volunteer Protection Gap: The federal Volunteer Protection Act only covers so much, and it doesn’t apply to every situation. D&O insurance steps in to fill those gaps and protect the folks who are volunteering their time and skills.

Real-Life Examples to Share with Clients

Here’s a good example: A nonprofit received government funding for a program. Later, during an audit, it was claimed the funds weren’t used properly. The government sued under the False Claims Act, and the case cost the nonprofit about $300,000 in legal fees to settle. D&O coverage saved the day—imagine how devastating that could have been without it.

How You Can Help Your Nonprofit Clients

  • Make sure their D&O policy fits their unique risks. For example, are volunteers included? Are employment-related claims covered?
  • Help them understand what’s covered and what isn’t. Nobody likes surprises in a crisis!
  • Highlight value-added benefits like risk management resources many carriers include with coverage. These extras can be a game-changer.


Now’s a great time to talk to your nonprofit clients about this—pricing is still pretty favorable, and getting the right policy in place could save them from a huge headache down the road. Let one of our brokers know if you want to chat more about this or if we can help with anything else.

Download the Article: Why D&O Insurance is a Must for Nonprofits

Alec Immordino , AU, CPLP

Professional Liability Broker
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Essie Bennett

Professional Liability Broker
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John Immordino , CIC, CRM, RPLU, CIPP/US, CPL, CPLP

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Mark Swayze , RPLU

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Melissa Hilgendorf , CISR, CIC, RPLU, CPLP

Professional Liability Broker
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Professional Liability Senior Broker
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Sarah Immordino , CPLP

Professional Liability Senior Broker
Territories: IL,KY,OH,TN,All States
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Shelly Caldwell

Professional Liability Associate Broker
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Sonyia Townsend , RPLU, CPLP, AU

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